
Online Course Checkout for WooCommerce

Our Online Course layout is tailored to present your educational offerings in the best light, making sign-ups and learning paths clear and compelling.

The perfect upgrade for any SaaS, course, or membership checkout experience.

Deploy compelling descriptions and strategic design to highlight your course’s unique value, employing top-notch UX & CX practices to significantly boost enrollment and completion rates.

Clear Benefits & Engaging Content

Showcase Safety & Selling Points

Utilize Testimonials for Trust

By marrying functionality with aesthetics, this layout is engineered to guide potential learners through the benefits and features of your courses, simplifying their journey from interest to enrollment. With this intuitive design, watch as your course becomes the go-to resource for learners worldwide.

case studies

WooCommerce Course Checkout Examples

Training & Massage School​

Online Course Layout


Electrical Training School​

Online Course Layout
