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5 Ways To Ask WooCommerce Customer Reviews

Did you know that nearly 93% of shoppers read online reviews before making a purchase? For any WooCommerce store, customer reviews are far more than just words on a page—they’re crucial elements that shape buying decisions and build trust. Imagine a new visitor landing on your online store. They’re intrigued by your products but aren’t quite convinced. Then they see a series of glowing product reviews, complete with star ratings and even a few photo reviews from satisfied customers. That’s the moment when their hesitation starts to fade, replaced by the confidence to add that item to their cart.

When potential buyers see positive feedback from others—whether through star ratings, reviews sliders, or even rich snippets displayed in search engines—they’re more likely to trust your brand and make a purchase.

As a WooCommerce store manager, leveraging these customer reviews effectively is essential. It’s not just about collecting reviews but about knowing how to ask for them, showcase them, and respond to them in a way that encourages more customers to leave reviews. Whether you’re using a review plugin to send a gentle review reminder or integrating review forms that allow users to add photos or videos, there are many strategies you can implement to enhance your WooCommerce store’s credibility.

In this guide, we’ll explore five practical and proven ways to gather and use WooCommerce customer reviews. From sending out thoughtful review requests to creating a reviews slider that highlights your top-rated products, these strategies will help you harness the power of customer feedback to drive growth in your online store.

What Are Customer Reviews?

Customer reviews are evaluations and feedback shared by individuals who have purchased and used a product or service. These reviews often appear on social media, online stores, and third-party platforms, providing valuable insights into a customer’s experience. When someone leaves a review, it usually includes a combination of written comments and a numerical ranking, like star ratings, which helps others quickly gauge the quality of a product or service.

For a WooCommerce store, customer reviews are essential pieces of social proof. They offer potential buyers a glimpse into what they can expect if they decide to make a purchase. For instance, when a shopper sees positive product reviews with high star ratings, it can build trust and confidence, encouraging them to proceed with their order. Additionally, features like review forms allow users to leave detailed feedback, while photo reviews give a more vivid idea of the product’s real-world appearance and functionality.

In short, customer reviews serve as a powerful tool for both informing potential customers and boosting your store’s credibility. Whether they’re reading through reviews on your WooCommerce product pages or checking out ratings in a reviews slider, potential buyers often rely on these testimonials to make informed purchasing decisions.

Why You Should Care About WooCommerce Customer Reviews

Build Trust and Credibility with Potential Customers

Customer reviews are one of the most powerful tools for building trust and credibility. When potential buyers visit your WooCommerce store, they’re looking for reassurance that your products and services are worth their investment. Seeing positive customer reviews and high star ratings can provide that reassurance. For instance, if someone sees several product reviews praising the quality and reliability of an item, they’re more likely to feel confident in their purchase. This trust is even more solidified when reviews are authentic and include both positive and constructive feedback. A mix of reviews—ranging from four-star to five-star ratings—often appears more credible to shoppers than only perfect scores, making your brand seem more genuine.

Enhance Your Store’s SEO and Online Visibility

Did you know that customer reviews can directly impact your store’s search engine optimization (SEO)? Reviews that include relevant keywords, such as specific product features or common phrases like “photo reviews” or “product reviews,” can help boost your WooCommerce store’s ranking on search engines. For example, if multiple reviews mention how great a product looks in photos or how easy it was to use, search engines might rank your store higher when shoppers search for those terms. This increased visibility can drive more organic traffic to your store, helping you reach a broader audience and increase your conversion rate without spending extra on advertising.

Boost Customer Engagement and Interaction

Allowing users to leave reviews on your WooCommerce product pages fosters a sense of community and engagement. Customers who take the time to write detailed reviews often feel more connected to your brand, which can lead to increased loyalty and repeat purchases. Additionally, when you respond to reviews—whether they’re praising your products or offering constructive criticism—you demonstrate that you value customer feedback. This interaction not only enhances customer satisfaction but also encourages others to leave reviews. Features like review forms or the ability to add photos can further enrich this engagement, making the review process more interactive and appealing to customers.

Drive Sales and Conversions Through Social Proof

Social proof, in the form of customer reviews, can significantly influence purchasing decisions. When new customers see that others have had positive experiences with your products, they’re more likely to make a purchase themselves. This is especially true if the reviews are detailed and include personal anecdotes or specific use cases. For instance, if a review mentions how a product solved a particular problem or exceeded expectations, it can resonate with potential buyers facing similar situations. Even negative reviews can contribute to this effect—studies have shown that a mix of reviews can make the positive ones seem more trustworthy, which can lead to a higher conversion rate.

Improve Your Products and Customer Experience

Customer reviews offer invaluable insights into how your products and services are perceived. By regularly monitoring and analyzing reviews, you can identify trends in customer feedback and make informed decisions on how to improve. For example, if multiple reviews mention that a product could benefit from a specific feature, you might consider adding it in future updates. Likewise, if customers frequently praise a particular aspect of your service, you can emphasize that in your marketing efforts. This continuous feedback loop helps you stay attuned to your customers’ needs and ensures that your WooCommerce store evolves to meet their expectations. Over time, this can lead to higher customer satisfaction and increased brand loyalty.

How to Encourage Your Customers to Leave Reviews

Getting customers to leave reviews can significantly boost your WooCommerce store’s reputation and visibility. Here are some effective strategies to encourage customers to share their feedback:

Consider Negative Reviews and Suggestions

Negative reviews aren’t necessarily a bad thing—they can actually be quite valuable. When customers leave constructive feedback or suggest improvements, it’s an opportunity for your business to enhance its offerings. For instance, if a review highlights a recurring issue with a product or service, addressing these concerns can improve your overall customer experience. By responding to these reviews and implementing the suggested changes, you show customers that you value their opinions and are committed to making improvements. This proactive approach can lead to more positive reviews in the future, enhancing your store’s reputation and social proof.

Ask for Reviews in Different Ways

To maximize your chances of receiving feedback, it’s important to request reviews through multiple channels. Consider including review requests in follow-up emails sent after a purchase. This direct approach targets customers who have recently bought from your WooCommerce store, making it easy for them to leave their feedback. You can also include review forms or links in product packaging or on your website’s checkout page. Offering various ways for customers to leave reviews ensures that you capture feedback from a wider audience, increasing the volume of customer reviews and boosting your online store’s credibility.

Reply to Customers Regularly

Engaging with customers through responses to their reviews is crucial. By replying to both positive and negative reviews, you show that you are attentive and committed to customer satisfaction. Addressing concerns in negative reviews publicly demonstrates your willingness to resolve issues, which can positively influence potential customers. Thanking those who leave positive reviews reinforces their support and encourages others to share their experiences. This interaction helps build trust and can improve your WooCommerce store’s relationship with its customers, leading to increased brand loyalty and more positive feedback.

Make the Review Process Simple

A streamlined review process can significantly increase the likelihood of receiving feedback. Implement review plugins that allow customers to submit their opinions quickly and easily. Ensure that your review forms are user-friendly and mobile-optimized, as many users prefer to leave feedback on their phones. You can also send customers a direct link to a review page after their purchase, making it convenient for them to leave a review without navigating through multiple pages. Simplifying the review process helps reduce friction and encourages more customers to share their experiences.

Create an Easily Accessible Review Page

Make it easy for customers to find where they can leave reviews by creating a dedicated review page on your WooCommerce store. This page should prominently display star ratings and reviews, making it clear that you value customer feedback. You can also feature customer reviews in your post-purchase pages, product pages, and homepage to highlight positive experiences. An accessible review page not only encourages customers to leave feedback but also helps build your store’s credibility by showcasing authentic reviews on every screen size. By integrating customer reviews into your marketing materials and social media channels, you enhance your store’s visibility and appeal, driving more engagement and sales.

Leverage Incentives and Automation

While it’s important to request reviews honestly, offering incentives can motivate customers to leave feedback. For instance, you might offer a discount on future purchases or loyalty points for each review submitted. Contests or giveaways can also excite customers and prompt them to share their feedback. Additionally, using automation tools like reputation marketing software can streamline the process of collecting and managing reviews. Plugins and tools that facilitate review management, such as WC Plus can help you efficiently handle customer feedback and enhance your store’s reputation.

Implementing these strategies can effectively encourage customers to leave reviews, improve your WooCommerce store’s visibility, and build stronger relationships with your audience.

5 Friendly Ways to Ask for WooCommerce Customer Reviews

In the realm of online commerce, a few sentences in a customer review can wield more influence than a full website’s worth of content. Even a slight variation in star ratings can be enough to sway a shopper toward a competitor. Plus, positive reviews are pivotal for local SEO and can significantly impact your visibility. To harness this potential, it’s essential to proactively ask your customers for reviews. While this might seem awkward or self-serving, most people are eager to share their opinions—they just need a gentle nudge.

Ask for a Review in Person

When customers approach you with positive feedback, this is an excellent opportunity to suggest they leave a review. For instance, if a customer praises your product or service, thank them sincerely and then gently ask if they would be willing to share their experience online.

If you don’t have the luxury of waiting for a customer to approach you, you can initiate the conversation yourself. During checkout or after a purchase, engage the customer by asking about their experience. Simple questions like, “Did you find everything you were looking for today?” or “How did you find the product you just purchased?” can open the door to a more detailed conversation. If they respond positively and offer additional feedback, this is a good time to ask for a review. However, avoid asking for a review immediately after a customer’s first positive comment. This can make the interaction seem disingenuous. Instead, gauge their overall satisfaction and only request a review when the conversation feels natural.

Ask for Reviews Over the Phone

For businesses with a strong customer support component, the phone presents another effective avenue for requesting reviews. When you’ve just helped a client resolve an issue or had a positive interaction, it’s a good opportunity to ask for a review—provided the client expresses satisfaction or gratitude. For example, after resolving a technical issue or answering a question, you might say,

“I’m glad I could help today. If you’re satisfied with our service, we’d greatly appreciate it if you could leave us a review.”

This approach not only makes your customers feel valued but also increases the likelihood of them leaving a review. Be sure to choose the right moment—if the client has just dealt with a particularly challenging problem, it might be better to wait until they’ve had time to reflect on their overall experience before asking for a review.

Ask for Reviews via Text Message

Text messaging has become a popular and effective communication channel for businesses, and it can be a useful tool for requesting reviews. When asking for reviews via text, you have two main approaches: a direct request or a more personalized follow-up. For example, you might send a message like,

“Thanks for your recent purchase with us! If you enjoyed your experience, could you please take a moment to leave us a review? [Insert Review Link]. We appreciate your feedback!” This approach keeps it brief and to the point, making it easy for customers to respond quickly.

Alternatively, you can follow up with a personalized text after a customer has had time to use your product or service. For instance, a few days after a purchase, you might send a message like,

“We hope you’re enjoying your [product]! If you have a moment, we’d love to hear your thoughts in a review. [Insert Review Link]. Thank you!” This method allows customers to reflect on their experience before leaving feedback.

Ask for Reviews via Email

Email remains a highly effective channel for communicating with customers, and it’s an excellent medium for requesting reviews. With 99% of consumers opening their email daily, it’s a prime opportunity to reach out. Craft your email carefully to ensure it resonates with your audience. For instance, you might send a personalized email that says,

“We’re thrilled that you chose [Business Name] for your recent purchase. Your feedback helps others make informed decisions. Could you take a minute to share your experience by leaving a review here: [Insert Review Link]? Thank you for your support!”

Additionally, consider segmenting your email list to target customers who are most likely to leave a review. For example, follow-up emails after a purchase can include a simple, friendly reminder:

“We hope you’re satisfied with your recent purchase. If you have a moment, we’d be grateful if you could leave us a review at [Insert Review Link]. Your feedback is invaluable to us and helps us improve our service.”

Ask for Reviews Post-Purchase

Timing is crucial when requesting reviews, and post-purchase follow-ups are an ideal moment to reach out. For some businesses, it makes sense to ask for a review immediately after the purchase. For example, a thank-you card included in the product packaging could say,

“Thank you for your purchase! We hope you’re happy with your new [product]. Please let us know how we did by leaving a review here: [Insert Review Link].”

Alternatively, you can send a follow-up email a few days after the purchase, allowing customers time to use the product and form an opinion. For instance, an email might read, “Thank you for choosing [Business Name]. We’d love to hear your thoughts on your recent purchase. Please share your review here: [Insert Review Link]. Your feedback helps us serve you better.”

By strategically asking for reviews through various channels and at the right times, you can increase your chances of receiving valuable feedback. Each method provides a unique opportunity to connect with your customers and encourage them to share their positive experiences, ultimately benefiting your WooCommerce store’s reputation and local SEO.


By implementing the review strategies outlined—whether asking for reviews in person, over the phone, via text message, email, or post-purchase—you can effectively encourage your customers to share their experiences. Each approach provides a unique opportunity to engage with your audience and gather valuable feedback that can improve your business.

For a seamless integration of these review strategies into your online store, consider using WC Plus. This plugin streamlines the process of managing and soliciting customer reviews, boosting your store’s credibility and increasing customer engagement. With WC Plus, you can enhance your store’s performance by leveraging the power of customer reviews and making the review process easy and efficient.

Ready to enhance your reviews and elevate your store’s performance? Start using WC Plus today and see how it can transform your WooCommerce store by leveraging effective review management and optimization.


What are WooCommerce customer reviews?

WooCommerce customer reviews are feedback and ratings provided by customers who have purchased products from your WooCommerce store. These reviews serve as valuable insights for potential buyers, highlighting their experiences and opinions on product quality, satisfaction, and overall service.

How can I encourage customers to leave reviews?

To encourage customers to leave reviews, you can send follow-up emails after a purchase, ask for feedback directly on product pages, and offer incentives such as discounts or loyalty points. Personalizing requests and making the review process simple and accessible can also significantly improve response rates.

What should I do with negative reviews?

When you receive negative WooCommerce customer reviews, it’s essential to respond promptly and with empathy. Acknowledge the customer’s experience, apologize for their dissatisfaction, and invite them to discuss the issue further privately. Use these reviews as constructive feedback to identify areas for improvement in your products or services.

How do customer reviews impact sales?

Customer reviews can greatly impact sales by building trust and credibility. Positive reviews serve as social proof, reassuring potential buyers about the quality of your products. Research shows that products with higher ratings and abundant reviews tend to enjoy better conversion rates and increased sales.

Can I display customer reviews on my website?

Yes, you should definitely display WooCommerce customer reviews on your website. Highlighting reviews on product pages, showcasing them on your homepage, or creating a dedicated testimonials page can help potential customers make informed decisions while enhancing your store’s credibility and trustworthiness.

Meet The Author
Picture of Matthew Simpson
Matthew Simpson
Matthew brings over a decade of expertise in the Digital and IT sectors to his role. With a rich background assisting over 300 businesses in launching their operations, he has provided crucial support in areas including website development, email and phone systems, and project management. His comprehensive knowledge of digital and IT solutions is now encapsulated in our latest business kit, offering essential insights and guidance for navigating key business domains.
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