WC Plus Included Feature

Address Autocomplete For WooCommerce

Enhance checkout speed and accuracy with our Address Autocomplete for WooCommerce. Powered by Google Maps (paid) and Geoapify (free/paid), it ensures a seamless address input experience.

WooCommerce Google Maps (Places) Integration

Simplify your customers’ checkout experience with Google Maps-powered Address Autocomplete. As shoppers begin to type their address, our system auto-suggests locations, allowing them to quickly select and confirm their details.

This integration not only speeds up the checkout process but also ensures the accuracy and reliability of the address data provided, leading to smoother deliveries and enhanced customer satisfaction.

WooCommerce Geoapify Integration

Our integration with Geoapify takes Address Autocomplete to the next level, offering both free and paid options to suit your business needs.

With Geoapify, you provide customers with precise location data, minimizing the risk of errors and enhancing the overall user experience. It’s a smart, cost-effective solution that supports your customers’ journey, from cart to completion.

Choose Your Path to Checkout Perfection

Whether you prioritize the comprehensive coverage of Google Maps or the adaptable pricing of Geoapify, your checkout process becomes a breeze for customers, fostering loyalty and repeat business.

Reduce Cart Abandonment

Decrease Shipping Errors

Enhance User Satisfaction

Incorporating Address Autocomplete into your WooCommerce site is straightforward and impactful. With just a few clicks, you can offer a feature that significantly contributes to a smooth checkout experience, setting your store apart and leading to higher conversion rates. Choose WC Plus for an effortless integration that translates into real-world efficiency.