WC Plus Included Feature

Conversion Optimised Cart Page for Woocommerce

Want to drive customers to a dedicated cart page? No problems we’ve got a solution for you! Enjoy the full WC Plus checkout experience on the cart page, including all the key selling points, isolated branding, colors and more!

Drive customers forward

Sometimes an online store only has a handful of products, so a dedicated cart page can offer a clean simple solution for customers to review their cart & order before they move onto the checkout screen.

Highlight any savings they're making

Right in the cart summary is the you’re saving box, which if a product is discounted this figure will highlight the exact discount they are receiving in their potential order.

Provide a clean cart experience

Remove all the distractions that come with your website and simply highlight whats important to your customer, their cart.

Cart page displayed in your chosen WC Plus layout

Showcase cart goals & you’re saving discounts

Remove distractions that would force your customers elsewhere

Make your cart experience simple and easy, with its own dedicated page. Use it in tandem with sidebar & popup carts or simply on it’s own!

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