WC Plus Included Feature

Savings Summary for Woocommerce

Highlight the WooCommerce savings summary on your checkout page and cart order summaries by showcasing precise savings for all discounted items. This feature encourages customers to complete their orders by clearly displaying their total savings.

Display Customer Savings in the Cart

Running a sale? Maximize customer engagement with a WooCommerce coupon savings summary integrated into the cart. This feature highlights the exact amount customers are saving, making it easy for them to see their total discounts. By showcasing these savings, you encourage customers to explore additional purchases, potentially increasing their overall spend and boosting your sales.

Personalize Your Savings Summary Box

Customize your WooCommerce discount summary box to align with your brand’s identity. Adjust background and text colors to integrate with your store’s design while ensuring the savings summary stands out. This tailored approach not only enhances the visual appeal but also ensures that customers easily notice and appreciate their WooCommerce savings summary, improving their overall shopping experience.

Help Your Customers Realize Their Savings

Make sure no discount goes unnoticed. The WooCommerce customer savings feature highlights savings on sale items, giving customers a clear view of their total savings and enhancing their shopping experience.

Highlight your customer savings they will make

Box only visible if there is a product with a discount

Works based on coupon discounts & product discounts

The savings summary box appears only when there is a discount, whether from coupons or product discounts. This WooCommerce order savings feature ensures customers see all their savings in one place. Leverage the Savings Summary for WooCommerce to optimize customer satisfaction and boost sales.

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